Monday, December 14, 2009

Atreyu What Is Your Opinion On Naming A Baby Boy Atreyu? And What Comes To Mind When You Hear That Name?

What is your opinion on naming a baby boy Atreyu? And what comes to mind when you hear that name? - atreyu

When my fiance and I have a baby that we made the character Atreyu from The Neverending Story is the name, not the group. I would like to hear more opinions?


jewell25... said...

I love the name and the first thought when I heard that the movie was. In any case, a good name for a boy who one day be a man.

it's just me! said...

I would not. It is as easy for me. It's more like a noise you make when you sneeze a name for a baby! Sorry!

Angelika White said...

That's great! For me is a pretty heroic Atreyu (and beautiful as I imagine), so it is a great name. MORE! The sound is not bad, and him alone. But do not change the name of "Bastian Balthazar Bux" in the short term ... and we hope that the child would not be on the skins (you know, the olive skin and people with blue hair ... aka Atreyu Nation ...)

Diane (PFLAG) said...

Use it as a middle name, a name ... Children are inherently cruel and with a name like Atreyu is painting a big target on his son ...

Think of all the jokes and how you can imagine what he said to his son by his teammates .... Name increasingly going right with Atreyu as the second name?

kelliema... said...

My first thought was Ending Story. But listen, it's up to you. Every name has something to be connected. Mary, a mine, which means "People want to sing with her," Mary Had a Little Lamb "and, of course," Mary Mary, quite the opposite, "fits perfectly. Your child, what in your heart name.

meetha said...

I think it's a unique name. Personally I want a middle name. I do not know why I thought it would be nice if it has a beginning and an end (I know this is completely against the idea of) a story without end.

What goes in my eyes was a kind of sci-fi fantasy creatures like a dragon or unicorn.

Amanda B said...

I think it's a unique name. If you do not want your child to grow up all around him with the same name, select the correct one. When I saw it I thought the name "The Neverending Story"?

sooz said...

Having the film a thousand times, I immediately thought of. Not a bad name or something, but it will change the ways of a little. For example, Robert, Rob, Bob, Bobby. Well, I think it's Trey? Just something to think about. Mari and I are expecting a child and we have our memories of many times when we noticed some of the names that we wanted, did not have many options. Do not listen to people say that his son hates him. Everyones name is teasable something. When done, as the name, then. Consider some familiar names are the names of their children. Coco? Apple? Give me a break. I prefer the name Atreyu, Apple is always possible.

VixenMom said...

I do not know how the name ... It is not clear what she says ... except that screams "queer, composite, Odd. If you will be surrounded by others with the same topic a bit ... I would not let him. suspend it will announce a hell of a time that the right people ... let alone spell at the top of the head. Unless you were a celebrity, artist, or the richest person in Forbes, you are considered rare.
I'm not bad ... just my opinion.

a1dermom... said...

I like it. I think it's good. This awakens see in me childhood memories, The Neverending Story. Could fun at school, but. Young children can be told. My friend and I want the name of our child if a boy, Anakin. We see that one would be Darth, but we decided on a name that is more common that you will not be able or shorten the name from the initials only, such as AJ Do what you consider to be true, but I liked Atreyu's name.

squeekmn... said...

Do you really want your child to grow up to hate you? Could a middle name for good, though.

danadevi... said...

Do not!
Why do people insist on the original names for their children?
I remember as a child and was worried that anything my name on it. My brother and my sister had plates on their bikes. I do not have it because I can not see a name. I've never pencils with my name. It seems crazy, angry about it, but if you are a child thats important things. Before my son, I have to buy certainly a liscense plate with his name. I had my son pull it through.

I have just a newspaper article about people with different names, the difficulty of having a job. This could be true. I was the one who has read my work has been resumed. If I could not pronounce the name of my request for an interview. Of course there were many reservations, but there was always someone who had a simpler name.

danadevi... said...

Do not!
Why do people insist on the original names for their children?
I remember as a child and was worried that anything my name on it. My brother and my sister had plates on their bikes. I do not have it because I can not see a name. I've never pencils with my name. It seems crazy, angry about it, but if you are a child thats important things. Before my son, I have to buy certainly a liscense plate with his name. I had my son pull it through.

I have just a newspaper article about people with different names, the difficulty of having a job. This could be true. I was the one who has read my work has been resumed. If I could not pronounce the name of my request for an interview. Of course there were many reservations, but there was always someone who had a simpler name.

PoohBear said...

even before you finish reading the question I thought of this story without end ... The name is nice, but I would be a different spelling of the name now lol kill the English language in 50 years, we are trying all means and spelling of strange names lol

Candi S said...

The film was the first thing I thought.
I kinda like it:)
I think the name is one that grows a little about yourself

schoolgi... said...

I like the name because it is different. The first thing that comes to mind, the film was "overboard" with Kert Russell and Goldie Hawn. The Never Ending Story "was next. I think something like Atreyu James and AJ him if you have them, perhaps then as Atreyu, would like to use the name East. They should, with the last name you need to see, try out how it really sounds like. Ether way I love the name.

retrodra... said...

Now, the group name for the character, for what would be indirectly the name of the band.

Old Man Mozz said...

Please try another name. Your child will thank you later.

Old Man Mozz said...

Please try another name. Your child will thank you later.

Old Man Mozz said...

Please try another name. Your child will thank you later.

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