Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bladder Cancer More Condition_symptoms Why Does Bladder Cancer Affect More Older People Than Younger People?

Why does bladder cancer affect more older people than younger people? - bladder cancer more condition_symptoms

Is there a reason?


Panda said...

There is no obvious reason why a real person cancer, while another person not. . With increasing age seems to be a risk factor in some cases. There are over 200 different types of cancer and many of them seem to be "old." . Thus, as a rule, children tend to be associated with cancer cells in early childhood. . while older adults affected by cancer, combined an institution such as the breast, lung, colorectal. . and bladder .. Only the aging process. . Pages of our cells age, risk of developing certain types of cancer at a certain age.

You can assign to different types of cancer with the following age groups:

http://www.cancer.net/patient/Coping/Age ...

Cancer in adolescents
http://www.cancer.net/patient/Coping/Age ...

Cancer in young adults
http://www.cancer.net/patient/Coping/Age ...

Cancer in the elderly
http://www.cancer.net/patient/Coping/Age ...

Tarkarri said...

Risk factors for bladder cancer are smoking, exposure to certain chemicals, repeated bladder infections or chronic diseases and certain forms of cancer and aging.

Keep in mind that age is probably ICREA the possibility that all risk factors.

Most types of cancer (except those specifically cancer) in children, the likelihood increases with age. It is believed that the continuous replication of cells to grow and live, because a greater chance of a genetic abnormality that occurs when we get older. This can lead to cancer.

Tarkarri said...

Risk factors for bladder cancer are smoking, exposure to certain chemicals, repeated bladder infections or chronic diseases and certain forms of cancer and aging.

Keep in mind that age is probably ICREA the possibility that all risk factors.

Most types of cancer (except those specifically cancer) in children, the likelihood increases with age. It is believed that the continuous replication of cells to grow and live, because a greater chance of a genetic abnormality that occurs when we get older. This can lead to cancer.

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